As a fourth-generation Petaluman, Pamela Torliatt was raised with a strong sense of what it means to serve our community. Whether it was listening to animated stories her grandfather told about his rural mail-carrier route in the Sonoma Mountains, playing with the children at a local school where her grandmother taught or working in her parents’ auto and truck parts store, Pamela learned the values of hard work and public service.
After graduating from UC Santa Barbara with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science, Pamela returned to Sonoma County determined to make a difference in her community and serve the public interest. She called up then-City Councilmember Lynn Woolsey, asked for a volunteer position and quickly dove into the intricacies of local government. In 1992, she became the youngest appointee to the Planning Commission in the City of Petaluma’s history. Four years later, she was the youngest woman ever elected to the Petaluma City Council.
Over the next 15 years, Pamela tackled some of Sonoma County’s toughest issues, bringing innovative solutions and a collaborative approach to the complex and often contentious issues of water management, transportation and land use. And in all her time in public office, Pamela has remained true to the values she learned early on from her parents and grandparents: to put the public interest ahead of the special interests.
As an appointed member of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) and the Water Advisory Committee (WAC) among others, Pamela has tirelessly represented the interests of the South County.
And as elected Mayor of Petaluma, Pamela has worked hard to use the influence of her office to enforce accountability to the people of the city. She has worked to preserve open space and agricultural land, promote a sustainable economy and position Petaluma and the county to benefit from the emerging green and clean tech industries.
Pamela Torliatt for Supervisor 2010
27 Townview Lane
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 763-6825
FPPC# 1322675
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