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Pamela torliatt sustainable growthSupporting Smart, Sustainable Growth

  • Sprawl is not an option for Sonoma County.
  • Urban growth boundaries are an important tool to focus development where it can enhance community life, protect open space and agricultural lands.


  • In 1998, cast the deciding vote on the Petaluma City Council to place an urban growth boundary measure on the ballot. Voters validated the bold stance by approving the measure with 79 percent support.
  • Helped create, adopt and implement the Central Petaluma Specific Plan, which provided the vision for a $100 million dollar redevelopment project to bring a theater and mixed-use development to downtown Petaluma
  • Under Mayor Torliatt’s leadership, the City of Petaluma has continued its stellar record, financing and approving diverse types of housing, including affordable options for young professionals, new families and seniors like North River Landing and Downtown River Apartments.


  • City Council Liaison, Planning Commission 1998 to 1999
  • Planning Commissioner, City of Petaluma 1993 to 1996
  • Alternate, Sonoma County Local Agency Formation Commission, 2001 to 2006
  • Budget Subcommittee, Sonoma County Local Agency Formation Commission, 2002 to 2006


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Pamela Torliatt for Supervisor 2010
27 Townview Lane
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 763-6825
FPPC# 1322675

e-mail  ptorliatt@aol.com


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